One to One Health and Wellbeing Coaching

Coaching with Jenny

Are You worried, anxious, or losing sleep over life or work challenges such as

  • health issues - prediabetes / type 2 diabetes, overweight, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, cancer?
  • overwhelm or burnout?
  • loss of direction?
  • lack of confidence?
  • career choice, career development, career change?
  • starting a business?
  • moving home or location?
  • relationship challenges?
  • procrastination?
  • in fact any change or challenge?

Feeling lost and don't know what to do? Not sure who to ask or where to get the best advice?

Cup of Life Coaching is here to help you find all the answers you need to start your journey of transformation, and help you to resolve whatever it is that is causing your concern.

From weight issues, or reversing pre-diabetes, managing chronic health issues, gut issues, persistent pain, poor sleep, fears and phobias, relationships, or simply feeling lost, we are here to help.

Whatever the issue is, as long as you are ready to make the necessary changes, we can help you to reach your goals.

No problem too big or too small. if it's bothering you, we are here to help!

Using the latest science and a dual approach of Root Cause Lifestyle Medicine and Healthy Nutrition, Jenny will work with you to help you identify and evaluate your existing habits, to uncover traumas or limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck, and to choose new life habits that empower you to enjoy a happier and healthier lifestyle aligned with your dreams, and your true values and beliefs.

She will review with you all pillars of health and wellbeing - food and nutrition, movement, love and support, environment and reducing stress - to find where and how you can make changes and new healthy choices that improve your physical and mental health and wellbeing, then support you to take simple manageable steps to establish healthier habits for ongoing success, happiness and longevity.

Jenny usually recommends her programme of 3 months support with 13 once weekly coaching sessions over zoom

Other options are available too - Quick Start 6 weeks programme - 12 months Annual programme - Single Sessions

Discuss with Jenny which programme is best for your needs.

Are you ready to begin your journey toward the Life Change and Dreams you have been waiting for?

Arrange a free 30 minute discovery call !

To discuss Workplace or Corporate Health & Wellbeing Programmes and support please visit the Corporate Page

What other people are saying about coaching


"I would recommend coaching with Jenny, especially during times of transition such as wanting to move location or job. It can be very helpful to say things out loud and talk things through ... to gain some important insights, skills and tools to help with this process"

Recent Client 2024

"Prior to coaching I was feeling stuck, feeling confused, keeping things bottled up, finding it difficult to communicate these concerns, procrastinating, and it was affecting my sleep

Jenny helped me to reveal to myself that I was feeling guilty about things from the past, uncertain about my future and afraid to express my thoughts and dreams about moving on, for fear of upsetting other people.

Since completing the coaching programme (11 weeks) I feel happier and clearer about the direction I’m heading.

My feelings of guilt about the past have lessened their hold on me and my fears about expressing my hopes and dreams for the future proved unfounded, so now I feel more able to move forwards with support from my family and friends.

I feel calmer and I have tools and skills to work with to help me with moving forwards"

Lorna, Northumberland

"It has been so helpful to work with Jenny during a time of transition for me. Jenny has a calming presence and so many different tools and ideas for working through periods of transition. Some of the methods we have used have …helped me … to work through deeply rooted beliefs and coming back to love and acceptance for myself"

Recent Client 2024

"I had been procrastinating for some time about promoting my business online. I knew I needed to do it and I knew who to ask for technical help, but I just kept putting off actually doing anything about it. Each time I ran out of clients I was frustrated with myself for not having taken action. During a 6 week Quick Start coaching programme with Jenny I managed to carry out the necessary research to get started, define my goals, design a plan of action, schedule the regular time slot for the work, and actually make a start. I'll still need to get the technical support I require but I feel much better, being accountable to myself, ensuring I keep to my schedule, and knowing that I am on my way to evening out my client leads."

Recent Client 2024



Coaching Programme Fee Per Session Fee Single Pay (-5%) Number of Sessions split pay
3 month rapid transformation £2495 £192 £2371 13 3 x £832
6 week kickstart £1170 £195 £1112 6 3 x 390
12 month follow on £2340 £195 £2223 12 6 x 390
12 month premium £9880 £190 £9386 52 6 x £1647
single session £198 £198 £198 1 -


Cup Of Life Coaching - Live Your Best Life

Want to find out if we are meant to work with each other?

Schedule a meeting

Jenny with a mug of herbal tea

Your Coach 

Jenny Connor is a life, health and well-being coach who partners with people who are seeking to free themselves from being stuck with life, work, or health challenges, or needing to change direction, cope with change, deal with relationships, or any obstacle life has thrown in their path.

She also helps people overcome lack of confidence, uncertainty, difficulty communicating their needs and desires, feelings of not being enough, or to seek out true happiness.

Jenny helps people who wish to transition to a Whole Food Plant-Based diet, to do this while maintaining optimum nutrition, health, wellness and longevity. Whether the desire to change be motivated by concerns for animal welfare and wishing to follow a vegan lifestyle, to make a contribution to ecological sustainability, or to overcome some personal health challenges.

She helps people who have been diagnosed with one or more of the common chronic diseases, to restore their health through optimising nutrition, movement, support and connection, and avoidance of stress, often avoiding the need for, reducing, or removing medication as health improves.

Jenny supports people to restore their good health and their optimism for the future, to live their best lives!



What's On Your Mind?



Does any of the following sound familiar to you?


How do I take back control of my life when …

I’m recently Divorced / Married / Bereaved ...

I have recently Moved / Changed my job / Lost my job ...

I’m feeling Lost / Anxious / Lonely / Stressed / Overwhelmed ...

I've Lost my Confidence ...

I think I’m Spiritually Lost...

... What can I do?


Let's Chat to Find Out How I can Help You!




Book a Free Discovery Call